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Deadline for abstract submissions for posters:
October 6th

July 1st
Opening of online registrations and call for abstracts
September 20th
Deadline for abstract submissions
September 23rd
Notification of acceptance
October 6th
Deadline for registration
October 13-14th
JMJC 2022
Instructions for oral communications
Instructions for poster presentations
15 minutes by speaker: 10 minutes of presentation followed by 5 min of questions
Communication must be held in english
Slides (ppt or pdf) have to be sent one week before the congress
A0 format (84x119cm) is recommended
Posters must be written in english
Abstract template:
Save file as Name_of-first_author.docx

6 prizes will be delivered by the organising committee:
1 for the best oral communication and 1 for the best poster in each theme.
Get your chance!
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