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Image de Nick Karvounis


The Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur regional division of the Youth Network of the French Chemical Society (RJ-SCF-PACA)  organize, in collaboration with the one of the Occitanie-Méditerranée regional division, the 10th edition of the Mediterranean Young Researchers Days (10JMJC) in Nice on October 13th - 14th 2022.


These Mediterranean Young Researchers Days are inter-disciplinary and represent a great opportunity for young researchers of both regions to gather and exchange on their rersearch.

This event is held annually, alternating between the PACA and the Occitanie region. Concerning the PACA region, it is alternatively  organized in the universities of Nice, Marseille and Toulon. 


This year, the JMJC will take place in Nice, over 2 days during which each half-day will be dedicated to a different field of chemistry. Thus, each half-day will start with a plenary talk from an experienced researcher and followed by oral communications of young researchers (PhD students or post-doctoral fellows) from the PACA and Occitanie regions. For this year’s event we have chosen to explore the following areas of chemistry: catalysis, materials chemistry and molecular modelling in biochemistry. Several poster sessions will also be organized throughout the congress, to allow over forty young researchers to present their work.
Finally, we will end the JMJC on Friday afternoon with several industrial lectures. Indeed, this year, we would like to give the floor to industrials speakers to present the Research & Development in the private sector. We would like to focus these conferences on the challenges of research and how it fits into an eco-responsible approach. This exchange will be an opportunity for young researchers to discover how research is conducted in industry. 

This congress is a real chance for young researchers to present their work in front of an experimented public and to exchange with their peers of the Occitanie and PACA regions. Moreover, there is no registration fee.



Image de Jp Valery


In July 2014, with the support of the national office and the administration committee, the young researchers of the French Chemical Society created the youth network of chemists of the SCF, the RJ-SCF. Any member of the SCF under the age of 35 in the academic or industrial sectors is automatically attached to the RJ-SCF of his regional section. The main goals of the RJ-SCF are to encourage actions developed by and for young chemists, to federate and support members of the SCF from their studies to the beginning of their career, to promote chemistry to the general public and schools and to coordinate at national level the actions of the regional sections of young chemists.

Image de Lazar Krstić



Emilie Gentilini - Université Côte d'Azur

Milane Saidah - Université Aix-Marseille

Aidan Cassisa - Université Côte d'Azur

Alexis Truchon - Université Côte d'Azur

Jihed Azzouz - Université Côte d'Azur

Rowan Coupez - Université Côte d'Azur

Jean-Baptiste Coffin - Université Côte d'Azur

Iman Moulouad - Université Côte d'Azur




Maxime Aragon-Alberti - ICGM

Jean-Maxime Besson - IBMM

Raphaël El Bekri-Saudain - ICGM

José Garcia Coll - IBMM

Adelaïde Gartill - ICGM

Lilian Geniller - ICGM

Julie Gillbert - IBMM

Maïko Monteil - ICGM

Ani Vashishta - ICGM

Florian Luttringer  -IBMM

Lucas Pagès  - ICGM






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